About Me

Health Is Beautiful

Who I am & What I do
My Journey
I am a Beauty Therapist, and have been around alternative medicine my whole life. Qualified in Manual Lymphatic Drainage for your everyday clinical practice. A professional Level 2 Raindrop Technician, and Level 1 Certified Aromatherapy.

Throughout my childhood, both my parents instilled in me the important values that I apply to my massage treatments, 
such as the importance of integrity for wellbeing.

Every day, I strive to both educate and support my clients, by using essential oils, empowering them to live better and healthier lives.

"Health is Beautiful"

My Miracle Journey
My name is Marjolaine, french for the herb Marjoram. A  beautiful healing herb.
As a young mum, my son had Asthma at a very young age.  We were always in and out of hospital. I decided to learn baby massage, later combined with  essential oils. Also changed our diet and my family’s health benefited. My journey began with healthy clean food, with live style changes. Not realising that this was the beginning of my healthy journey with a passion for all things natural. I went all organic and my children blossomed with health. Started to research, and read labels, making sure that I was making healthy choices for myself and for my family.
A clean lifestyle led to becoming a Beauty Therapist. Understanding that Health is Beautiful.

Non Toxic products, healthy lifestyle resulting to glowing from inside out. Spoiling with pure essential oils to relax, rejuvenate, re energise. Until one day I met with a car accident.

My life literally turned upside down. Our car spun 180 degrees. A on coming car came from no where and hit us head on. I was a passenger whilst my husband was driving. He just had a broken nose. Whilst I was cut out of the car and air lifted to major city hospital for many months. No doubt - I was a mess! In an instant my life had changed. Suddenly I was facing multiple surgeries, starting that very night.  Thank goodness all my healthy living had served me.
After many months I was sent home on a wheelchair, with no drugs or pain killers.
My purest essential oils and prayer supported me with all my needs -  emotional & physical.
Step by step I became stronger. Day by day I got lighter and clearer. I learnt the Raindrop Technique. A beautiful technique developed to bring the body into balance and the energy centres can be cleared and realigned. I also learnt the importance to Lymphatic massage. Step by step with  9 essential oils that will touch the whole body and realign it in the most beautiful way.
My passion and mission for living is to give back and serve others.
I give God all the Glory for all that I have been through. With Mercy & Grace I am here to serve and encourage others.