Be part of this fun afternoon where we smell and taste the beautiful healthy drinks that Vito will be creating. Hot Cocoa & Dark Chocolate Delight, Spicy Turmeric, Delicious Chai, Berry Blast Smoothie with Pure Protein Complete all with essential oil.

Elevate your beverages with the power of essential oils. Imagine sipping a delicious and refreshing beverage that not only tantalises your taste buds but also nourishes your body and mid. You will transform your everyday drinks into revitalising experiences packed with natural benefits. 

$15 per person (members only). Pre pay would be awesome, but on the day cash is great too.I just need to know the numbers. 
If you think you would like to invite a friend. We have a Foundational Class on the 7th September, or a zoom meeting before that date. Let me know how I can help your friend.
